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AARP AARP States Ohio

AARP Brings Largest States’ Leaders to Cleveland for Leadership Conference, Rock & Roll Hall Civic Awards Reception

AARP Brings Largest States’ Leaders to Cleveland for Leadership Conference, Rock & Roll Hall Civic Awards Reception

On AARP’s agenda for 2017: Protect access to affordable health care, make communities more livable for all ages, support families caring for loved ones and improve the lives of Americans 50+

Cleveland, Ohio – Volunteer and staff AARP leaders from seven of the nation’s largest states will gather in Cleveland May 10 – May 12 to plan how they’ll focus the efforts of the nation’s largest organization for Americans 50+ on some of the most pressing issues facing Americans of all ages.

AARP, founded more than a half-century ago to advocate for Americans in the second half of life, has almost 38 million members across the country. A recent reorganization of the Association has merged the volunteers and staff of seven very large states – California, Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ohio — into one group. Formerly, AARP state offices were organized on a geographical basis.

Volunteers and staff leaders of the Mega Seven (M7) regional group represent 142.6 million Americans, according to the most recent Census estimates – just under half of the U.S. population.

“This is a critically important time for our nation, particularly for Americans 50 and older and their families. We face challenges around health and wellness, financial resilience and personal fulfillment. Combining and connecting AARP’s dedicated volunteers and professional staff leaders from these seven big states in one room accelerates our results as we continue to find innovative, replicable and cost-efficient ways to better fight for and equip older Americans and their families to live their best lives. We have some serious work to do this week, and I know Cleveland is the kind of place where we can get it done right” said Rawle Andrews Jr., AARP Regional Vice President of the Mega 7 region.

One topic is uppermost in the minds of AARP leaders that will be gathered in Cleveland – continuing to vocally lead the advocacy and Congressional accountability for affordable health care. Last week the House passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA) and AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond released a statement with a clear message that “any legislation that imposes an Age Tax, eliminates pre-existing conditions protections, weakens Medicare, erodes seniors' ability to live independently because of billions of dollars in Medicaid cuts, and give sweetheart deals to drug and insurance companies while doing nothing to lower the cost of health care or prescription drugs” would continue to be opposed.

Civic Awards Ceremony at Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

On Wednesday evening, May 10, AARP will host a welcome reception and awards presentation for volunteers, community leaders and elected officials at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Among those to be honored are, Cleveland Mayor Hon. Frank Jackson, Cuyahoga County Executive Hon. Armond Budish, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Alpha Omega Chapter and Attorney Fred Nance, Global Managing Partner, Squire Patton Boggs US, LLP. Call 1.877.926.8300 for more info or to RSVP.


“On behalf of nearly 1.5 million AARP members across Ohio, I want to welcome my fellow AARP leaders to Cleveland, a city in which AARP has been working almost from the beginning of our Association,” said Barbara Sykes, AARP’s Ohio state director. “As Ohio’s first city to join the AARP Network of Livable Communities, there could not be a better place for AARP’s Mega-State leaders to plan how to engage scores of millions of Americans 50+ in making our communities, states and nation stronger in 2017.”

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