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Stay informed about Social Security, retirement planning, financial security, consumer protection, careers and more.
A new report that shows an estimated 127,193 of Ohioans on Medicare prescription drug plans will see savings thanks to a new out-of-pocket cap that starts Jan.1, 2025.
Social Security turned 89 this year, as we reflect on its profound impact on American society.
Team up with AARP Ohio and the Akron RubberDucks to hit a grand slam against scam. Enter to win a luxury suite for 20 people at the Aug. 30 game with the Bowie Baysox.
An AARP survey shows more than half of veterans are unaware of their housing benefits, and a quarter need financial help for home modifications. New AARP resources can connect Ohio's veterans to adapted housing grants from the VA.
Shady contractors are out there looking for homeowners in the market for spring repairs. Learn how to spot and stop this scam.
A soon-to-be-released AARP report will address the racial and economic disparities of older Black Ohioans, and offer solutions.
Social Security could have a shortfall in 2035. Here's why it's so important to 66 million Americans.
When a Medicaid recipient dies, the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program attempts to recover from their estates what Medicaid paid for services provided. AARP Ohio hosts this virtual event to help you and your family better understand this program. Hear from an expert from Pro Seniors, Inc. of Cincinnati.
Join us for a free virtual seminar in your area to explore Social Security eligibility requirements, how age, employment and marital status factor in, and helpful tools like the AARP Social Security Resource Center.
Get the facts on tangled property titles and what you can do to prevent and remedy them by watching this virtual event.
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