AARP Eye Center

We're Calling on State Officials to Protect Vulnerable Ohioans
A recent AARP report shows that personnel shortages in Ohio’s nursing homes remain above the national average. As such, AARP Ohio requests support for legislation and updated policies that will address the need for fully staffed nursing facilities to protect one of our most vulnerable populations.
The recent report provided by the AARP Nursing Home Dashboard indicates that for nearly two years, the percentage of Ohio nursing homes reporting staffing shortages have consistently been above the national average. More than 35 percent of nursing facilities throughout the state are still experiencing staffing shortages, continuing a pattern that has long been established in Ohio.
“The fact that staffing shortages are prevalent across the state is not a new issue. AARP continues to be a strong advocate in protecting vulnerable populations,” said Holly Holtzen, state director of AARP Ohio.
AARP is engaged with the administration and the State of Ohio legislature on solutions and urges support of several policies that will address the statewide issue:
- H.B. 625/S.B.325—requires a rebasing of nursing facility Medicaid rates. Because the quality of resident care and the transparency of both nursing home operations and performance is often related to rates and reimbursement methodologies, AARP Ohio is urging lawmakers pass this commonsense legislation. The bill would also be a major benefit for nursing facilities, as incentive payments may be quality related or related to direct staff retention.
- H.B. 461—establishes a private room per day rate to be added as part of a nursing facility's per Medicaid day payment rate calculation.
“AARP will always fight for important legislation that addresses staffing shortages. This is a continued issue in our state, and we must find solutions that ultimately protect Ohioans,” Holtzen said.
One such solution was the passing was Esther’s Law, which allows long-term care residents and their family members to install a video monitoring device in their room.
AARP Ohio recently hosted a virtual townhall on this important legislation and the steps they need to take to install a camera. The presentation, featuring Erin Pettegrew, Deputy Long-Term Care Ombudsperson from the Ohio Department of Aging, can be viewed here.