AARP Eye Center

Livable Communities include a choice of affordable housing - row houses, multi-plexes, cottages -- all smaller units that are affordable. AARP Oregon, AIA – Southwest Oregon, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Better Eugene Springfield Transportation (BEST), Transportation Growth Management Program, held a Livability Solutions Forum: The Future of Housing on April 12. The event focused on exploring how Lane County can create more housing options.
Nationally known architect and urbanist Daniel Parolek of Opticos Design, Inc., who coined the term “Missing Middle Housing” and other speakers shared their expertise and insights at the forum.
Attendees discuss solutions during the workshop on April 12. (photo by Carmel Snyder)
A morning workshop brought together planners, builders, lenders and other members of the community to identify barriers and challenges, and then also focus on possible solutions and next steps to bring innovative housing that support residents across age, ability and income spectrum. Attendees explored how “missing middle housing” can be instrumental in building successful multi-generational communities.
Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis, who highlighted housing as a priority in her State of the City address in January, and Springfield Mayor Christine Lundberg both emphasized the importance of finding solutions to the housing crunch in the Eugene-Springfield area.
Resources and Materials:
Presentation slides
Mayor Vinis speaks out on Missing Middle Housing
Eugene Weekly article
Special Thank you to our speakers, workshop facilitators, moderators and volunteers:
Dan Parolek, Opticos Design, Inc.
Mayor Christine Lundberg, Springfield
Mayor Lucy Vinis, Eugene
Mayor Sandra Larson, Veneta
Rob Zako, BEST
Kaarin Knudson, Rowell-Brokaw and member, AIA-SWO
Brenda Wilson, Lane Council of Governments
Mia Nelson, 1000 Friends of Oregon
John VanLandingham, Oregon Law Center
Sandy Belson, City of Springfield Development and Public Works
Stephanie Jennings, City of Eugene Planning and Development
Tim Duy, Professor, UO Department of Economics / Oregon Economic Forum
Sandy Coffin, member, AARP Oregon Executive Council
Michele Scheib, member, AARP Oregon Executive Council
Mary Ann Pool, AARP volunteer
Betty-Coe de Brokert, AARP volunteer
Tilford Snyder, AARP volunteer
Daryl Swan, AARP volunteer
Barbara French, League of Women Voters
Kevin Gilbride, University of Oregon
Katie Hall, AIA-SWO President
Will Dowdy, City of Eugene Planning
Trish Thomas, retired from City of Eugene Planning
Supporters/Presenters: A special thank you to the organizations who supported the forum and the work that continues in Lane County.
WE CAN (Walkable Eugene Citizens Advisory Network)
BEST (Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation)
Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
City of Eugene
Eugene Association of REALTORS®
Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce
League of Women Voters of Lane County
1000 Friends of Oregon