AARP Eye Center
Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of blogs by our AARP Oregon staff so you can get to know us and our priorities better! We'd love your feedback and you will find an email address at the bottom of the blog.

In addition to loving AARP, Jerry is a dedicated husband and father, shown here with his wife Ruth and daughter Sarah, and a loving son keeping the memory of his parents alive, Hy and Lee Cohen.
By Jerry Cohen
Working for our AARP members is a tremendous privilege for me as state director here in Oregon where I lead a team of hardworking staff and volunteers to make a difference! I started with the association more than 20 years ago when my family and I did the Oregon Trail from Kansas City, Missouri to “pioneer” a new State Office after working as a state legislative advocate in the Midwest for AARP.
Between graduating from law school and moving to Oregon I had: (1) married my soul mate, Ruth; (2) served as Legal Services Developer; (3) become a Daddy in 1982 and moved to Kansas City for job with KC Bar and Legal Aid setting up pro-bono program; (4) finished a Masters in Public Administration with focus on health administration & gerontology; (5) served as university department administrator and later also head of a research and training center on aging & developmental disabilities; and (6) was egged on to apply for a legislative advocacy position with AARP in the newly expanding regional office in Kansas City!
Since moving to Oregon to set up one of the first AARP state offices in 1996-7, I have had the privilege and joy to work even closer with volunteer leaders and key state and community partners that make AARP Oregon so relevant to all of us as we age! And I carry the spirit and legacy of my parents, Hy and Lee Cohen; Dad being an immigrant who escaped Czarist Russia while Mom was the daughter of immigrants from Czarist Poland.
So what are our priorities at AARP Oregon?
Our Federal focus remains: (1) Health Security but especially caregiving and sustaining Medicare, Medicaid and other health initiatives; (2) Financial Resilience especially our “Take a Stand” campaign urging Presidential and Congressional candidates to articulate positions on Social Security as well as support for AARP Tax Aide and (3) Personal Fulfillment via teaching Technology (AARP TEK), Life Reimagined and AARP Driver Safety.
Our focus this year for State and Community advocacy are: (1) Defend Caregiving/Long-Term Supports and Services funding facing potential cuts/re-balance, and prepare support for greater investment in Respite Care systems to family caregivers for 2017-2019 biennium; (2) Implement the CARE Act and Retirement Savings Security laws enacted in 2015; and (3) Advocate for and educate influencers and the public on complete streets/pedestrian safety (walkability) as well as affordable/accessible housing as part of our GoLocal Livable Communities work.
Our strategies to secure these goals are:
- Community engagement locally (combine purpose and fun)
- Volunteer Leadership Engagement and Support
- Multi-Cultural and Diversity Leadership integrated within all our work
- Multi-media Communications to “tell our story”
- Advocacy Building Non-Partisan Political Strength (grassroots/activists and grass tops/influencers)
- Strategic Partnerships and Relationships
We are committed to working across generations as a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization, which helps individuals and society find and enjoy real possibilities as we age!