AARP Eye Center

Staying healthy and vibrant was the theme from our Vital Aging Conference in Eugene this November. But if you missed it, we've posted the agenda along with websites to most of the sessions.
Vital Aging Lane County
November 18, 2015 - Hult Center – Agenda
8:30-9:00 a.m. Registration - visit community partner tables
9:00-9:04 a.m Welcome by Joyce DeMonnin, AARP Oregon
9:04-9:24 Better Brains By Design - Part 1 - Roger Anunsen. Mr. Anunsen is a co-founder of MINDRAMP Consulting, designing wellbeing strategies for individuals and organizations that promote brain health and flourishing!
9:24-9:42 Life Reimagined - Daniel Rodriguez, Ph.D
Get a glimpse into Life Reimagined to help you rediscover what truly matters and focus on what you really want to do. Dr. Rodriguez is an appointed volunteer at the local and national level.
9:42-10:02 Sex and Aging - Jane Steckbeck. Explore your sexuality and develop sex-positive attitudes at any age. Ms. Steckbeck is a Eugene certified sexologist and sex coach.
10:02-10:22 Break (coffee and community partner tables)
10:22-11:02 Laughter is the best medicine - Leigh Anne Jasheway is a humorous author and columnist, motivational speaker,writing and life coach, and stand-up comic.
11:02-11:22 Stroke Prevention - Geneva Craig, PhD - Here is another important tool in keeping your brain healthy.1/20 US deaths are caused by stroke each year.Dr. Craig is a nurse manager based in Medford.
11:22-11:42 Livable Cities Index - Bandana Shrestha, MA Health and longevity are greatly influenced by your community. Explore a free new tool from AARP that can help you discover more about your community and how you can advocate for change! Ms. Shrestha is the AARP Livable Communities Manager for Oregon.
11:42- High Noon Better Brains by Design Part 2 - Roger Anunsen
Noon - 12:30 Partner tables and networking
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For current events and information go to:
Partner Tables:
Eugene Bike and Pedestrian -
Willamalane Park and Senior Center
Alzheimer's Association -
Dept. of Consumer and Business Services, Insurance Division, Securities and Fraud Prevention,
United Way Lane County -
Lane Blood Center -
Lane County Senior and Disability Services - -
Land County Public Health -
Lane Transit District -