AARP Eye Center

On October 6 and 7th, AARP Oregon, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Portland for Everyone and Urban Land Institute hosted Housing and Neighborhood for All: Affordability, Accessibility and the "Missing Middle," a three-part event series focused on exploring how the Portland metro region can create more housing options, identifying barriers and challenges to more innovative housing that support residents across age, ability and income spectrums and how "missing middle housing" can be instrumental in building successful multi-generational communities.
Nationally known architect and urbanist Daniel Parolek of Opticos Design, Inc., who coined the term “Missing Middle Housing” was in Portland to share his expertise and insights at a walking tour, happy hour, and a breakfast forum . In addition, local experts discussed housing trends, challenges and barriers to aging in community and meeting our region’s growing need for affordable, accessible, and age-friendly housing. Below are some pictures from the series and powerpoints presentations and handouts from the Friday Oct 7th forum.
- Agenda, Resource list and Speaker Bios Forum Handout
- Audience Polling Results Missing Middle Forum Polling Results
- Keynote Presentation: Dan Parolek, Founding Principal, Opticos Design, Inc. DParolek MM Presentation
- Alan DeLaTorre, Portland State University ADeLaTorre Presentation
- Eric Cress, Urban Development Partners ECress Presentation
- Eli Spevak, Orange Splot, LLC ESpevak Presentation (Here is a longer version of this p4e-presentation-espevak_longer_version)
- Joe Zehnder, Portland Bureau of Planning & Sustainability JZehnder Presentation
"Missing Middle Housing is designed for affordability." Dan Parolek

Learn more
Missing Middle Housing
Metro Equitable Housing Initiative
Portland for Everyone
Portland Residential Infill Project
Urban Land Institute Northwest
Age-Friendly Portland and Multnomah County