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AARP AARP States Oregon

Priority Issues: Social Security and Family Caregivers

This election cycle AARP is shining a light on Social Security and Family Caregiving, two critical issues important to our members and all Americans 50+.

Social Security

Social Security
Americans earn their Social Security through a lifetime of hard work. It provides a basic foundation of income security, including cost-of-living adjustments to help protect the money workers have earned from inflation. And Social Security is guaranteed for life, so a retiree will never outlive this vital income. But the program faces a long-term financial shortfall. If Washington doesn’t take action within 10 years to protect and save Social Security, it could be cut by 20 percent, an average of $4,000 a year. AARP urges candidates to protect and save Social Security, so Americans get the money they've earned.

Join the Fight!
Add your name now and commit to speak up to protect Social Security.

Caucasian women hugging outdoors in autumn

Support for Family Caregivers
Our nation’s dedicated family caregivers together provide $600 billion worth of unpaid labor each year. They help with everything from bathing and dressing to medical tasks, transportation, grocery shopping and preparing meals. And many of the people who do all this unpaid work are also juggling taking care of other family members and maintaining jobs outside the home. Many are forced to reduce their hours or quit the workforce entirely. The physical, emotional and financial toll of family caregiving is enormous. AARP is fighting for solutions that will save caregivers time and money—and give them more support.

Join the Fight!
Add your name now and commit to speak up to fight for family caregivers.

About AARP Oregon
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