AARP Eye Center

Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon – December, 2019
Rogue Valley Council of Governments (RVCOG) Senior and Disabilities Services (SDS) seeks Jackson and Josephine County Residents’ input for Four-Year Area Plan as Required and Supported by the Older Americans Act.
“Our survey is part of our quest to identify needs and to determine priorities in our region - both in Jackson and Josephine Counties. We appreciate participation by community members and caregivers of all ages. It is important to realize that people may find themselves as caregivers throughout their lives, you may be caring for a loved one, a friend, a neighbor, a parent, a grandparent or a grandchild. We want to determine the gaps and barriers to support services, so that we can better serve our aging and disabled populations”, said Laura O’Bryon PhD, RVCOG SDS Director.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and can be completed online at: or in paper by March 17, 2020.
To receive a paper copy of survey along with a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope, please contact: Berta Varble, 541-423-1384 or No identifying information is collected and responses are confidential.
Rogue Valley Council of Governments Senior and Disability Services - As the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for this district, the RVCOG has developed a network of services to help seniors and adults with disabilities live with dignity and independence. RVCOG AAA provides some services directly and contracts with local agencies for others. Direct services are provided through a central administration office, located in Central Point, and field offices: two in Jackson County – the Senior Services Office and Disability Services Office – and the combined Senior and Disability Office in Josephine County. Under its intergovernmental agreement with the State of Oregon RVCOG partners with the Medicaid Long-Term Care and financial assistance programs which are directly provided by District 8 Aging and People with Disabilities (APD). RVCOG and APD’s goal is to provide a seamless service system to seniors and people with disabilities in the two county area.
Senior and Disability Services provides assistance to:
- Those needing information about any program for seniors or adults with disabilities in our communities.
- Those frail elderly and people with physical disabilities least able to care for themselves.
- Those likely to need more costly public service unless they receive immediate help.
- Those needing some assistance because of economic and social factors.
- Those caring for a family member.