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AARP AARP States Oregon

Teletown Hall to Discuss 50+ Hunger

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By Marianne Ryder

Have you or do you know someone who has skimped on buying groceries in order to afford needed medication or to pay utility bills? Sadly, this is not uncommon for many 50+ Oregonians. Did you know that Oregon is one of the top five states nationally for hunger among those ages 50-59? Hunger runs deep in our state. It affects old and young alike. However, 50+ hunger is often hidden.

Proper nutrition is key to good health regardless of age. But for older adults inadequate nourishment can mean early onset of many chronic diseases. Older adults experiencing consistent food insecurity are more likely to have limitations in activities of daily living (ADL), things like bathing, cooking, and other tasks that help us maintain our independence.

As challenging as the problem is, we can make a difference by raising awareness about the issue and connecting people to resources. We are working with the AARP Foundation Drive to End Hunger campaign to raise awareness about the problem of hunger among people 50+, and to develop long-term, sustainable solutions to the hunger problem.

If you’re an AARP member, you might receive a call from AARP Oregon with an invitation to take part in a Teletown Hall on 50+ hunger taking place on Thursday, 9/25 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. We’ll be talking about hunger among 50+ Oregonians, the resources and programs that can help, and also what you can do to address this issue.

Jerry Cohen, State Director for AARP Oregon will be joined by expert guests from the Oregon Department of Human Services, AARP Foundation, and Aging & Disability Resource Connections.

We’ll be discussing eligibility requirements to receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is one of the most effective solutions to hunger and is a program available for all ages, including seniors and those ages 50-59 years. SNAP helps put healthy food on the table of individuals and families who might not be able to afford it otherwise.

We’ll also be discussing senior nutrition, possible health impacts of not getting adequate food (food insecurity), and other resources and programs that can help.

In addition, we want you to know about the Aging & Disabilities Resource Connection (ADRC) of Oregon (,a service provided by the Oregon Department of Human Services and your local Area Agencies of Aging and Disabilities, to help you find the support and services you need.

Whether you or someone you know could do with a little extra help, there is help available.

Please join us on September 25th for this important discussion.


Marianne Ryder is an AmeriCorps VISTA member with the National Anti-Hunger and Opportunity Corps, a project of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger, placed with AARP Foundation working on hunger issues in Oregon.





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