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AARP AARP States Oregon

What OregonSaves Can Do for Oregon

Edward Brewington is a member of the AARP Oregon Executive Council and a member of the Oregon Retirement Savings Board

We know that saving for the future is a wise but often overlooked endeavor.

Now that Oregonians have greater access to automatic payroll savings deductions, the optimistic view is that more people will save and therefore be better off financially in the future. Note that I did not limit my reference to retirement although OregonSaves was based on the concept of developing more retirement savings and therefore relieving some of the dependence on Social Security. It is a fact that the latter is insufficient to support an acceptable quality of life. Future financial needs include what is commonly known as retirement but there are often many other financial needs that may precede or accompany the end of a person’s earnings years.

The wider footprint of OregonSaves has the potential to expand the level of financial literacy for the current and future generations. The automatic payroll deduction gives the employee/earner a powerful opportunity to save money while resisting the urge to spend it since it isn’t immediately available. In addition, it introduces the concept of investing money. For many people, this will be their first experience with investing.

In summation, the outcome is more savings for the future, greater financial literacy and a legacy to be shared with others, especially the younger generation. Everyone has a stake in their future.

For more information, go to

Edward Brewington is a member of the AARP Oregon executive council and a member of the Oregon Retirement Savings Board.

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