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AARP AARP States Oregon

Workplace Age Discrimination: Action Updates

Action Updates

2.19 Lobby Day Group.JPG

On 2/19, staff and volunteers delivered over 2,000 signed petitions to House members in Salem, advocating for HB 3187 to update Oregon’s workplace age discrimination law.

Join us in taking action—join our e-activist list!

  • House Bill 3187 has been introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Sosa and almost 40 additional sponsors to update Oregon’s workplace age discrimination law.
  • AARP staff and volunteers have met with legislators across the state to share our stories, research, and legislative solution (HB 3187) to address the devastating effects that workplace age discrimination has on older Oregon workers. 
  • Petitions! AARP staff and volunteers have collected nearly 4,000 signed petitions across the state. These petitions reflect strong state-wide support to update Oregon’s workplace age discrimination law. HB 3187 will remove age-bias barriers to ensure all workers are treated fairly based on their qualifications, not their age. AARP staff and volunteers will be hand-delivering these petitions to legislators over the coming weeks.

Age Discrimination in Oregon is Happening to Real People

AARP Volunteer Miki Herman experienced workplace age discrimination firsthand. Here’s her story.

Workplace age discrimination threatens the financial security of older workers.

Age Discrimination in Oregon is a Real Problem

  • 55% of Oregon workers 40+ have seen and experienced workplace age discrimination.  More than 50% of those who had applied for a job were asked about their age, date of birth or graduation date, which we know is a barrier to getting a foot in the door for an interview. 
  • This issue affects all Oregonians, regardless of party affiliation and support for updating the law is shared across the political spectrum.
  • Passing HB 3187 will fix Oregon’s workplace age discrimination problem.

Stay Involved & Help Take Action: Join our e-activist list to take action in support of our workplace age discrimination and other AARP advocacy efforts.

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