At the upcoming RI Home Show (April 4-7, at the Rhode Island Convention Center), the main attraction will be a four-room age-friendly model home, sponsored by AARP Rhode Island.
WASHINGTON—AARP has opened applications for the 2019 AARP Community Challenge grant program to fund “quick-action” projects that spark change across the country. Now in its third year, the program is part of AARP’s nationwide work on Livable Communities. Grants can range from several hundred dollars for small, short-term activities to several thousand dollars for larger projects.
Discuss ways to make neighborhoods and nearby spaces better for all who live there at AARP’s Livable Communities Forum, on Thursday, Oct. 25, at 10 a.m., at the AARP state office, 10 Orms St., Providence.
WASHINGTON, DC—Today, AARP announced the awardees for its 2018 AARP Community Challenge grant program. A total of $1.3 million will be distributed to fund 129 "quick action" projects across the country, helping communities make immediate improvements and jumpstart long-term progress to support residents of all ages. Nearly 1,600 applications were received from non-profits and government entities for the program, now in its second year. Each of the projects, which must be completed by November 5, is designed to achieve one or more of the following outcomes:
AARP Rhode Island staff and volunteers are proud, once again this year, to sponsor and participate in the Back to School Celebration. This event grows every year thanks to hundreds of people who volunteer to pack and distribute some 13,000 Back to School Backpacks. It makes a big difference for struggling families and it brings people together all across our great state.