The calendar has turned to March, which means basketball, the return of Daylight Savings Time (reminder: turn your clocks ahead an hour this weekend!) and the end of the 100th Legislative Session.
Nearly 20 percent of South Dakotans age 45 and over are currently providing unpaid care to an adult relative or friend. Many of them are juggling those caregiving duties with full- or part-time jobs.
State laws that took effect July 1 will help South Dakota residents age 50-plus by providing tax refunds, offering more protections against fraud and telemarketers, and expanding health care access.
Do you live a rural area and care for someone with memory loss? Millions of rural caregivers provide crucial support to loved ones living with memory loss, Alzheimer's or other dementia. These same caregivers often feel stressed and isolated as they try to find services and support for their loved one and themselves, particularly during these unprecedented times. An online workshop may be able to help. AARP SD is helping to expand the reach of a study being done by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco who are looking for family caregivers to participate in an online workshop and study.
Today, AARP SD met virtually with federal lawmakers to urge more help for older Americans and their families who face growing health and e economic challenges due tot he coronavirus crisis.
You may be concerned about the safety and well-being of your loved one in a nursing home amid the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some key questions to ask to put your mind at ease.
AARP will host a live Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall every Thursday at 12 p.m. (CST). Experts at this week’s live Q&A event will address your questions related to protecting yourself and loved ones from the virus, staying healthy and reducing social isolation.