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AARP AARP States Utah Veterans

Join AARP for an "Operation Protect Veterans" webinar on November 11

AARP thanks veterans everywhere for their sacrifice and service to our country.

Their time on the battlefield is over. Now it's our turn to protect our Veterans from scams.
In fact, Veterans and their loved ones from Utah who self-responded to an AARP/United States Postal Inspection Service mailer, indicated the top three scams they recently encountered were credit card fraud, tech scams (usually involving calls that your computer has a virus that needs to be fixed) and charity scams, often where a fake charity will misappropriate an actual charity's name, like calling themselves the National Cancer Society instead of the American Cancer Society.

Our Veterans deserve a lot of things. Praise. Honor. Security. Respect. Here's what they don't deserve: attempts to take advantage of their service. Yet every day, scammers attempt to defraud our Veterans of their hard-earned benefits, steal their identity, or take their savings. Together, we can fight back and take one small step to repay our Veterans for the service they've given and the sacrifices they've made.

This Veteran’s Day, join the AARP Fraud Watch Network for a free "Operation Protect Veterans" webinar. The event will take place on November 11, 2019, from 7 to 7:30 pm ET/4 to 4:30 pm PT. You'll learn about scams that target Veterans and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from becoming victimized by scammers' tactics.

You'll also have an opportunity to ask questions of AARP scams and fraud experts.
To register to watch the webinar live or on-demand at your convenience, visit

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