AARP Eye Center

There has been a lot on the line for older Utahns during our 45-day legislative session and AARP Utah advocates made sure their voices were heard on the issues that mattered to them. You reached out to your lawmakers through thousands of emails, phone calls, and texts and it has made a difference! Now that the session has closed, we are happy to announce some of the significant wins for Utahns while we wait for the Governor’s signature.
We also want to hear from you! How do you feel AARP Utah did fighting for you and where should we focus next?
Social Security Tax Relief (HB 54) – As you know, AARP Utah has been fighting to remove Utah’s tax on Social Security benefits. The legislature has now fully passed a tax relief package (HB 54) that will remove the state tax on Social Security benefits for joint filers with incomes up to $75,000 and single filers with incomes up to $45,000. It also includes a partial benefit as it phases out for those with incomes above those levels. Now that this tax relief has passed the legislature, we will work to help Utahns become aware of this change and explain how this relief applies to them. Stay tuned for more in this area.
Caregiver Compensation (SB 106) – AARP Utah was successful in expanding and funding a program that helps compensate some spouses, parents, and guardians who provide extraordinary care to their loved one on Medicaid waiver services. During our current health care provider shortage, these family members are providing a critical service and by providing a small amount of compensation, Utah can help them remain more financially stable.
Adult Protective Services (SB 140) – AARP Utah successfully advocated for additional funding to investigate cases of fraud, neglect, or exploitation of vulnerable older adults. Utah’s investigators have been experiencing significant growth in their caseloads and with this new help we expect each case will receive more of the time and attention it deserves. We also supported legislation to give these investigators additional tools to investigate abuse when the alleged perpetrator is blocking evidence.
Adult Dental Benefits on Medicaid (SB 19) – Following a model AARP Utah recently supported to expand dental care to Medicaid recipients age 65+, Utah will now offer dental care to all other adults on Medicaid who don’t currently have access to this care.
Affordable Housing – Utah will appropriate over $100 million for affordable housing through a number of programs. AARP Utah has worked in coalition with a number of our community partners to secure these funds and we thank those who have championed these efforts over the last few years.
Prescription Drug Discount Program (HB 24) – Over the years, AARP Utah has supported the creation and expansion of Utah’s prescription drug discount program which has included discounted insulin and epinephrine auto-injectors . With new legislation this year, the program will be able to add any prescription drug that provides a significant rebate making it more affordable for Utahns.
Nurse Scope of Practice (SB 36) – Utah has had some restrictive regulations that have kept nurse practitioners from practicing to the full extent of their training. AARP Utah supported legislation that will now remove these regulations to allow nurse practitioners to more fully care for Utahns as is being done in 26 other states. This can mean greater access to a primary care provider with shorter wait times and shorter drives – especially for rural Utahns.
While we are very proud of the list of these and other accomplishments, we know there is still work to do. For example, we worked hard to expand greater property tax relief for more Utahns and although the proposal nearly made it, it failed to receive a final vote and the funding it needed. We will be working to address this over the course of the next year and hope to make more progress in this area.
But now we need to hear from you! What grade would you give AARP Utah in our efforts to fight for you? What grade would you give our legislature? Although the annual legislative session just ended, we start working now for more successes next year and we hope to have your support as we do.
Share your feedback!