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AARP AARP States Virgin Islands Community

AARP Chapter 4777 Supports Combat Wounded Veterans

Wounded Warriors St. John Nov 9 2013
Wounded Warrior Participants in St. John, VI

Since 2004 AARP Chapter 4777 members from the islands of St. John have been partnering with the American Legion Post 131, and various VI business and civic organizations to demonstrate their appreciation to disabled military veterans in a big way.

Disabled veterans and their families are treated to an all expense paid week-long stay at on the island of St. John and all the water sports activities they handle. Many of the vets suffer from traumatic stress disorders, traumatic brain injuries or have become paraplegics or quadriplegics as a result of their military service in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Team River Runner (TRR) an international nonprofit project started as therapy for the vets. TRR has more than 40 chapters across the US and began as an off-shoot organization from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center before it was shut down. The medical center did a great deal of work with veterans arriving home from overseas who had become new amputees.

The trip was originally envisioned as a way to get some rest and relaxation (R & R) into the vet’s recovery regiment. So when the vets arrive on St. John the plan is to get them outside into nature and the fresh air participating in kayak races, snorkeling excursions, fishing and boating trips. Local businesses donate the use of the equipment, boats, kayaks and other water sport items needed by the vets.

The St. John Fundraiser Chaotic Kayak is organized by Tom Larson of Sadie Sea Charters of St. John. Each year Tom makes sure that the various fundraisers reach their financial goal and that the special week in November goes off without a hitch. He leads a team of volunteers who help plan everything down to the smallest detail.

When the vets arrive, donations of time, money, and energy begin with members of the VI Veteran’s Administration picking up the veterans and their families at the St. Thomas, Cyril E. King Airport. As many as 20-25 vets and spouses are transported across the 14-mile length of St. Thomas to the Red Hook Marine Terminal where their ‘sea transportation to St. John is provided by either Sadie Sea Charters or Lovongo Charters owned by Dan Boyd. These boats make the boarding process easier for vets with prosthetics or wheelchairs and saves the cost of paying the regular ferryboats.

Donations continue throughout their stay with local restaurants supporting the project by taking turns supplying meals for the group each day, various transportation services getting the vets where they need to go, and water sports vendors supplying all equipment and boats.

Annually, Tom makes sure the entire project comes together through the efforts and dedication of the entire St. John community. But, achieving this herculean task is no small matter. Each year volunteers, including AARP Chapter 4777, collaborate to raise funds to pay all the expenses associated with the one week stay.  All money raised goes directly to pay for airfare and lodging.

This year during one fundraiser event, volunteers received an anonymous $20,000 check towards the more than $50,000 needed for airfare and accommodations. The check came from a frequent visitor to St. John who also was a vet. He learned about the project and its funding challenges and wanted to be part of this very special project.

The AARP Chapter 4777’s small but mighty 17 members also routinely coordinate the final luncheon before everyone heads home. During the event’s early years chapter members spent days baking, cooking and readying everything for the luncheon. Now, however many more members of the local Coral Bay community, where the luncheon is held, contribute toward the event. Coral Bay residents look forward to the event with great pride and everyone comes to the luncheon with a covered dish, a cake or pie, drinks, supplies, or comes to provide musical or other entertainment.

It is hoped that after a week of sun, crystal blue water and fun, that the vets will go home re-energized, relaxed and knowing that their sacrifices were deeply appreciated.

To learn more about the St. John event go to the AARP Virgin Islands website and AARP Virgin Islands social media accounts Facebook and Twitter at and


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