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AARP in The Virgin Islands Applauds Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. on His Commitment to Older Adults in State of the Territory’s Address

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Español | AARP in The Virgin Islands State Director Troy de Chabert-Schuster commends U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. for emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the territory’s growing older population in his 2022 State of the Territory Address. AARP-VI supports Governor Bryan in addressing critical challenges that desperately need attention as our territory continues to age. It is dedicated to helping the Bryan/Roach Administration, including The Virgin Islands Commission on Aging, to improve the overall quality of life of the Territory’s older (50+) population.

“Governor Bryan has demonstrated during his tenure that he is committed to furthering the agenda of AARP-VI by investing to ensure respectable aging for all Virgin Islanders,” said de Chabert-Schuster after Monday’s address. “While the Territory has made great strides, such as the passage of Act 8403, we have a long way to go. The Governor’s reconstitution of the Commission on Aging’s membership reinforces that, and AARPVI is pleased to serve our role as an advocate on the commission and in the community, as well.”

Governor Bryan signed Act 8403 in December 2020, which allows the reinstallation of the Commission on Aging and its partners, including AARP-VI. The Commission on Aging is organized under the Governor’s Office. The Commission will bring together several Departments and community organizations for the purpose of collectively working on matters regarding aging, developing plans and policies, and providing programs and services for older adults and the aging population in The Virgin Islands. The act supports equitable aging for all Virgin Islanders, a pledge made by Governor Bryan when he enrolled the territory in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities in May 2019.

For more information on the advocacy work led by AARP in The Virgin Islands, go to or or visit for the Spanish Facebook page.

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