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AARP AARP States Virgin Islands

St. Croix Hospital Re-Establishes Patient-Family Council

Juan F Luis Hospital Logo pic
Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital & Medical Center logo Photo courtesy: JFLH Website


AARP VI State Director, Denyce E. Singleton, joined twenty (20) St. Croix community members and Dr. Kendall Griffith, Interim Chief Executive Officer for the Juan F. Luis Hospital, to serve as a Patient-Family Council (PFC) Ambassador for the hospital’s newly re-established volunteer group focusing on improvement to all hospital programs and services.

The Council’s goal, according to Dr. Griffith is to serve as a positive catalyst between the hospital’s patients, their family and the community by ensuring that the hospital continually seeks to improve all health services while also exemplifying compassion and respect. From this perspective, each Council member will serve for a period of at least one (1) calendar year with the following core responsibilities:

  • Serving as a sounding board for the hospital’s initiatives which are intended to establish a balance between the priorities of the patients and families;
  • Generate new ideas to drive health care initiatives to better serve the community;
  • Plan and evaluate programs; and
  • Provide input on institutional policies, programs and practices, particularly those affecting the care and services that individuals and families receive.


The Council conducted its first meeting on March 10 th to consider its role in shaping future health initiatives at the Juan F. Luis Hospital. Ellenore Paul-O’Neal, the Juan F. Luis Hospital VP of Human Resources indicated in a recent press release about the re-establishment of the Council, “Members of the PFC were selected to monitor and represent the Patient Care Partnership. These individuals will serve as Ambassadors who must ensure that the relationship between our valued patients, their families, and our community is a positive one.[i]”

The release further clarified that members of the Patient-Family Council were selected based on their service, respect, trust and contribution to our community, but most specifically for their interest towards improving healthcare for all.

Each Ambassador will have the option to extend their membership on the Council for an additional year.



[i]JFL Reinstates its Patient Family Council, Juan F. Luis Hospital & Medical Center, Press Release, February 10, 2014, St. Croix, 4007 Estate Diamond Ruby, Christiansted, St. Croix 00802.

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