AARP’s commitment to volunteer service can be traced back to our founder, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, whose motto “to serve, not to be served” has shaped our community service efforts at the national, state, and local levels. Each year, AARP honors the legacy of Dr. Andrus with the AARP Virginia Andrus Award for Community Service (hereafter referred to as “the Award”).
The annual Andrus Award for Community Service is AARP’s most prestigious and visible volunteer award. It recognizes individuals who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich their communities in ways that are consistent with AARP’s purpose, vision, and commitment to volunteer service, and that inspire others to volunteer. Only one Virginia volunteer (or couple performing service together) can receive the Award.
Show your appreciation by nominating him or her for the 2019 AARP Virginia Andrus Award for Community Service. The nomination deadline is July 15. For more information, eligibility requirements and nomination forms, visit or call 1-866-542-8164. Click here for the online nomination form.
Award Eligibility Guidelines Nominees for the Award must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Nominees must be 50 years or older.
The achievements, accomplishments, or service onwhich the nomination is based must have been performedon a volunteer basis, without pay.
The achievements, accomplishments, or service onwhich the nomination is based must reflect AARP’svision and purpose.
The achievements, accomplishments or service onwhich the nomination is based must be replicable andprovide inspiration for others to serve.
Couples or partners who perform service together arealso eligible; however, teams are not eligible.
The recipient must live in Virginia.
This is not a posthumous award.
AARP Vision A society in which all people live with dignity and purpose, and fulfill their goals and dreams. . AARP Purpose AARP empowers people to choose how they live as they age. . Who Can Nominate? Nominations for the Award may be submitted by AARP members, volunteers, chapter or unit members, community partners and members of the public at large.
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