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Scams & Fraud

It’s National Consumer Protection Week—and while AARP is focused on protecting consumers year-round—this is a good time to highlight some key consumer protection tips.
AARP Virginia has speakers available to provide free presentations on a wide range of subjects to groups of 15 people or more.
Trained AARP volunteer fraud fighters are helping victims and their families understand what happened, report the crime, and plan next steps to put their lives back together.
Beware of fake gift card balance-checking sites designed to steal both your post-holiday joy and your money.
In recent years, cryptocurrency scams have surged, with billions stolen annually. One of the biggest drivers of this trend? Romance scams.
Romance scams are at all-time high.
If we really want to keep ourselves - and our money - safe from fraud, we must all come to terms with one thing: our personal information is likely already out there.
Receiving a call from an unknown number may seem harmless, but it could be the start a scam.
Getting tickets to top concerts is tough – don’t let scammers make it harder.
If you get a surprise call from the “utility company” threatening to shut off your service, hang up the phone.
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