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AARP AARP States Virginia

2021 Virginia Election Survey: Likely Voters Support Providing Relief for Family Caregivers


Summary of Key Findings

In this survey of likely voters 18+ in Virginia, nearly half report they are currently a family caregiver or have been in the past. Individuals age 50-64 are the most likely to have been a caregiver at some point in their lives (58%). Given the prevalence of family caregivers in Virginia, the challenges these individuals take on to care for their loved ones are widely known. To support caregivers, voters expressed overwhelming (73%) support for providing workers with paid family leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition, and 82% saying they support a tax credit for family caregivers in order to help offset the expenses they pay in caring for their loved ones.

Strong majorities of liberals (89%), moderates (74%), and conservatives (61%) support paid family leave for caregivers. Support is highest among women (79%) and younger voters (77%).

With even higher levels of agreement, the proposed family caregiver tax credit is supported by more than three-in-four conservatives (77%). Support is nearly identical among voters in urban (80%), suburban (82%) and rural (82%) communities.

Family Caregiver Questions

1. A family caregiver is someone who provides unpaid care for an adult loved one that cannot fully care for themselves. Assistance may include personal care, household chores, shopping, transportation, or managing finances or medical care.  Are you now or have you ever been a family caregiver who provided unpaid care to an adult loved one?

Total (%)18-49 (%)50-64 (%)65+ (%)
Yes, I am currently a family caregiver14122111
Yes, I have been a family caregiver in the past31203737
Don’t Know2103
  • 2. Now, thinking about family caregivers, please indicate whether you support or oppose each of the following proposals. If you are unsure, please say that.

A. Providing workers with paid family leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition

Total (%)18-49 (%)50-64 (%)65+ (%)
Don’t Know1001

B. Providing a tax credit to eligible family caregivers in order to help offset the expenses they pay in caring for their loved ones

Total (%)18-49 (%)50-64 (%)65+ (%)
Don’t Know0001


EDUC: Could you tell me the highest level of school or college you had the opportunity to complete:


High school or less                15

Vo-Tech                                    6

Some college                          28

College or more                     49

HISPANIC: Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?             

Yes                           4                                                             

No                           94                                          

Dk/ref (vol)             2                            

RACE: Do you consider yourself to be:        

White                                                     69                               

Black or African American               20          

Other                                                      11          

RELIG: What is your religious preference, are you Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, another religion, or no religion?

Protestant                              41                                          

Christian (non-specific)      12          

Catholic                                 13          

Jewish                                      1            

Other                                        6          

None                                      21          

Dk/ref (vol)                             5             

IDEOL: When it comes to your ideology, would you consider yourself to be…

Very conservative                 9

Conservative                        17

Moderate                              33

Liberal                                   25

Very liberal                           11

Dk/ref(vol)                              5

PARTY: In politics today, do you generally consider yourself to be a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent?

Republican                           28          

Democrat                              37

Independent                         32

No Preference/party (vol)    4  

Dk/Ref (vol)                           3

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