AARP Eye Center
The AARP Locust Grove Chapter 5239 work in their community is very extensive from helping veterans, organizing food drives, and more. Learn about their work and join them in the community. They meet the third Monday of every month at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse. The meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. for coffee, snacks, and socializing, the actual meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. and always has a guest speaker.
The AARP Locust Grove Chapter 5239 will be holding a VIN Etching program on Saturday, July 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the lower level of the Clubhouse, Lake of the Woods. Get your car protected! Questions, call Larry (540) 840-5648.
As part of its ongoing effort to Help Eliminate Auto Theft (HEAT), the Virginia State Police offer free etchings throughout the year. To put this in perspective check out the following information provided by the FBI:
• There were an estimated 777,139 thefts of motor vehicles nationwide
• More than $6 billion was lost nationwide due to auto theft
• The average dollar loss per stolen vehicle was $7,708
VIN etching is important because adding VIN etching to your auto glass creates another barrier against potential auto theft. VIN etching complicates things for thieves. If a thief swaps out the VIN on a car that’s been etched, the thief must also swap out all the etched glass. This costs time and money.
The VIN etching process uses a chemical to permanently mark glass, takes only about 10 minutes to complete and doesn’t affect the appearance of the vehicle. This complimentary service applies to the exterior glass of cars and trucks.
Many wounded veterans find great enjoyment in stamp collecting. Thanks to many devoted volunteers, this postage stamp program gives these hospital or wheelchair-bound vets something to do, and something to look forward to. Trading duplicates also connects them with other collectors.
The AARP Locust Grove Chapter 5239 has implemented a program to collect these recycled stamps. Recycle the stamps from your own mail to “brighten someone’s day!” Leave about a 1/4” to 1/2” border of envelope around the perforations of the stamp. Do not remove the stamp from the envelope it is glued to. The veterans prefer to do that themselves. It’s part of their fun. All stamps, U.S. and worldwide, old or new – in any quantity can be contributed. Forward your stamps to Locust Grove AARP Chapter 5239, P. O. Box 945, Locust Grove, VA. 22508. However, no American Flag stamps, please!
This is such a simple and easy way to give back to the servicemen and women who have given so much. A little effort on our part will be greatly appreciated by our Wounded Veterans. Please tell your family and friends about this program.

2019 AARP Tax-Aide Program
AARP Tax-Aide is a special program that helps so many individuals during the tax season. Our chapter is proud to assist in this program.
In the Locust Grove area (Lake of the Woods), there were 5 Client Facilitators and 7 Counselors working on taxes for the Tax Year 2018. This tremendous group of volunteers were open for business 20 days (2/1 thru 4/13) and worked approximately 1,120 hours servicing our community. They completed 395 electronically filed federal returns (e-file), three paper filed returns, and several returns for previously un-filed years. They also prepared a similar number of e-filed state returns. These efforts represented the most returns ever prepared at the Lake of the Woods site. These individuals were also responsible for obtaining over $390,000 in federal refunds for those seeking their support.
Hat’s off and a special “Thank You” to this outstanding group of volunteers who provided their valuable time and effort to support those who needed their assistance.