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AARP AARP States Virginia Volunteering

AARP Chesapeake Chapter 2165 Named Winner of AARP Virginia’s Chapter Service Award

In 1975, the AARP Chesapeake Chapter was formed with the goal of serving older adults and others in the community. Today, the chapter is composed of 27 individuals aged 50 to 90 years old and has a long list of accomplishments and goals.


The chapter has done much for the community, such as pay the electric bill of an older person in need, create Christmas baskets for older adults stuck in their homes, and create toiletry bags they crocheted themselves. The chapter also delivered 332 pounds of food to a local food bank, highlighting its mission of serving older adults in the community as well as others.

The chapter recently put together a scholarship for a local high school senior. Members also have collected cleaning supplies for a Norfolk-based nonprofit, “For Kids,” as well as delivered school supplies for G.W. Carver Intermediate School in Chesapeake.

Last year, the chapter made 105 goody bags for senior residents in Chesapeake to celebrate Valentine’s Day. For Christmas, the chapter gave holiday bags to an adult rehab center located in Chesapeake. The chapter also maintains a strong focus on ensuring that seniors shut inside due to the pandemic receive baskets full of helpful items.

As a proud AARP affiliate, the chapter, in the past, has set up tables and provided AARP information and resources at the Chesapeake Sheriff luncheons.


Currently, the chapter is working on multiple projects, including a new newsletter, a toilet paper collection for a “HER Shelter,” (Help and Emergency Response Inc.) and putting together Mother’s Day purses filled with personal items for mothers in the women’s shelter.

Members of the Chesapeake-based chapter are also excited about working on ways to recruit new members. Since the pandemic, as with many groups and organizations, they have faced a pause in new recruitments and events. Through their new newsletter and outreach efforts, they hope to attract more members and support in their continued service to the community.

AARP Chesapeake Chapter #2165 was selected to receive the 2021 AARP Virginia Chapter Award for Service. This award recognizes an AARP Chapter that has contributed to the well-being of their community by sponsoring or partnering in local community service activities or events.

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