AARP Eye Center

AARP Virginia backed 13 bills which made it through the full General Assembly during the 2024 session. Ten were signed into law by Governor Glenn Youngkin while three were vetoed. The ten bills signed by the governor were:
- HB1243/SB576 from Delegate Michelle Maldonado and Senator Adam Ebbin creating the Unfair Real Estate Service Agreement Act. This bill was based on model legislation from AARP and the American Land Title Association to prohibit deceptive and predatory real estate service agreements.
- HB692/SB174 from Delegate Michelle Maldonado and Senator Barbara Favola, which incentivizes financial institutions to train employees on how to identify and then report instances of elder financial exploitation.
- SB291 from Senator Danica Roem, which establishes a state-developed training for court-appointed guardians.
- HB786 from Delegate Patrick Hope, which establishes a process for a person under guardianship to petition for a modification or a termination of the guardianship order.
- HB1402/SB660 from Delegate Atoosa Reaser and Senator Jennifer Carroll Foy, which improves transparency among pharmacy benefit managers with regard to retained rebates.
- SB186 from Senator Suhas Subramanyam, which directs the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to investigate wholesale prescription drug importation programs and determine feasibility in the Commonwealth.
- HB971 from Delegate Kathy Tran, which lowers from five to three years the amount of full-time clinical experience required before an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) may practice without a practice agreement.
- HB1060 from Delegate Kathy Tran, which requires long-term care insurers to make policyholders aware of pending rate increases and allow public comment on those potential increases.
- HB894/SB734 from Delegate Elizabeth Bennett-Parker and Senator Dave Marsden, which allows public bodies to hold all-virtual public meetings up to 50% of the time to increase access for those who have mobility or transportation challenges.
- HB1040/SB85 from Delegate Elizabeth Bennett-Parker and Senator Barbara Favola, which allows a person with a disability or a caregiver who must participate remotely in a meeting of a public body to count towards the quorum of said meeting.
AARP Virginia State Director Jim Dau said the following in response to these legislative victories:
“Virginians over 50 and their families will reap real, meaningful benefits from the policy changes we were able to help make this year. AARP is grateful to the General Assembly members from both parties who carried and supported these bills, as well as to the countless volunteers and e-activists who made sure that all legislators heard their voices.
“Whether it’s helping shield you from fraud and exploitation, increasing access to affordable healthcare services or fighting for consumers, AARP Virginia will continue to serve as a fierce defender for the people we all serve.”
The three AARP Virginia priorities that made it through the full legislature but were vetoed by Governor Youngkin were:
- HB570/SB274 from Delegate Karrie Delaney and Senator Creigh Deeds, creating a Prescription Drug Affordability Board.
- SB570 from Senator Adam Ebbin, increasing protections against age discrimination for older Virginia workers.
- HB598 from Delegate Cia Price, extending the so-called “pay or quit” period for renters who fall behind on payments from 5 to 14 days before the eviction process is initiated.
In response to these vetoes, Dau said:
“Governor Youngkin has repeatedly expressed a desire to help Virginians with the cost of living. Nothing could be more fundamental to that than the ability to maintain your health, to work and to keep a roof over your head. We are disappointed that the governor vetoed these three reasonable bills, but AARP Virginia will continue to fight for older Virginians on each of these fronts.”