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AARP AARP States Virginia Community

Call for Volunteers to Help Older Adults

Volunteer lending a helping hand with shopping to a senior (focus on senior)
Getty Images/iStockphoto

AARP has joined hands with Mount Vernon at Home to help make a difference in the lives of your neighbors. Mount Vernon at Home is a local nonprofit organization providing community and essential services, assisting older adults to remain in the home and community they love.

They need volunteers to:

  • drive older adults to medical appointments, shopping, and errands;
  • make friendly calls or visits to seniors in their homes;
  • complete simple home maintenance tasks;
  • assist seniors with technology challenges; and
  • develop and plan educational and social programs.

Whether you have a few hours a month, a few hours a week, or want to help with one event, you can help! Volunteering with Mount Vernon at Home is a rewarding experience and easy because you work only as often as you wish and only when it fits your schedule. 

Do you have knowledge, skills, or time to share? If so, please contact Mount Vernon at Home via email at or by phone at (703) 303-4060.

* This is not an AARP program. The information you share with Mount Vernon at Home shall be governed by its privacy policies.

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