With a lifetime of wisdom and know-how, AARP volunteers are ready and uniquely equipped to serve their communities by sharing their experience with those in need. And, with a diverse range of opportunities available through AARP, everyone can get involved!
Join AARP Virginia at a Volunteer Information Session and learn about the many ways you can get involved with AARP Virginia. Your experience matters – to you, to AARP, and to so many others who can benefit from it.
AARP Virginia Volunteer Information Session Friday, August 18 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Kingstowne Library 6500 Landsdowne Centre, Alexandria, VA 22315 Lunch is complimentary for all attendees. RSVP to 877-926-8300 or https://aarp.cvent.com/Kingstowne81817 by midnight, Wednesday, August 16.
Ways to get involved:
Community Ambassadors serve on the Community Outreach Team to carry out the work of theAssociation at the community level. They work on specific programs and campaigns as well as promoteAARP's presence in the community by staffing AARP informational tables at community events.
Diversity Community Ambassadors serve on the Diversity Community Outreach Team and carry outthe work of the Association at the community level in a defined, culturally relevant way that benefitsand enhances the quality of life for AARP’s diverse 50+ population in Virginia.
Marketing and Communications Specialists in our Virtual Volunteer Newsroom are responsible fordisseminating information, generating and maintaining a presence on social media sites, building andmaintaining audiences through written articles under the direction of an AARP staff partner.
State Legislative Specialists serve on the State Advocacy Team and contribute to achieving AARP’s statelegislative priorities as defined by the state plan. They are a specialized group of AARP volunteers whoare actively engaged in AARP’s efforts to influence leaders on the issues that matter most to the 50+population.
Congressional District Liaisons serve on the Federal Advocacy Team and contribute to achievingAARP’s federal legislative priorities as defined by the state plan. They are a specialized group of AARPvolunteers who serve as AARP's volunteer representatives to assigned members of Congress.
HomeFit Workshop - Provides information to participants on how to decide what type of homemodifications are needed to stay in their home as they age.
Family Caregiving Support - Participants learn what AARP is doing to support family caregiversnationally and in Virginia and discuss ways to access resources and education and get involved withadvocacy on key family caregiving issues.
Fraud Watch Network - Trained speakers discuss fraud & identity theft with community groups,conferences, clubs, or professional organizations free of charge, sharing an inside look at howscammers think, how to safeguard against identity theft & fraud, first-hand accounts from victims, andwhat to do if you or someone you know has been a victim.
Prepare to Care - Workshops provide participants with information and resources to help them bettercare for themselves and the ones they love through five steps every caregiver should take: How to Startthe Conversation; Forming a Team; Making a Family Plan, Finding Support; and the Importance ofCaring for Yourself.
Brain Health - Introduces the five pillars of brain healthy behaviors and invites participants to sharetheir own healthy habits as well as be inspired by others.