AARP Eye Center
- Has anyone in a VA contracted nursing facility or in the state’s Veterans’ Homes tested positive for COVID-19?
- What about staff and vendors?
- What are VA contracted nursing facilities and state Veterans’ Homes doing to prevent infections and minimize the risk of spreading the virus among residents, employees, public/visitors and family members?
- How are staff being screened, especially when the leave and return?
- What precautions are in place for residents not in private rooms?
- Do all nursing home staff, VA contract or state Veteran Home employees, have the personal protective equipment (PPE) – such as masks, face shields, gowns, gloves – they need to stay safe and keep safe?
- If not, what is the plan to obtain PPE?
- Has staff been trained on how to properly use PPE?
- What are nursing facilities doing to help Veteran residents stay connected with their families or other loved ones during this time?
- Does the facility help residents call their loved ones by phone or video?
- Will the facility set up a regularly scheduled call between the Veteran and their family?
- What is the plan for the nursing home to communicate important information to both Veteran residents and their families on a regular basis?
- Will the facility be contacting family members by phone or email?
- When will that communication occur?
- Are VA contracted nursing homes and the state’s Veterans’ Homes currently at full staffing levels for nurses, aides and other workers?
- If there are staffing shortages: What is the plan to make sure the needs of Veterans are being met – like bathing, feeding, medication management, social engagement?