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Soup for Seniors 2024


Think back to the snow days of your childhood. School is cancelled, playing outside with your siblings and neighbors, snowball fights, building snowmen. You can almost feel the cold as it bites your cheeks. Now, think back on the warm bowl of soup that greeted you when you came back inside. Memories of warm soup on a cold, snowy, winter day come to mind as volunteers prepare for the annual Soup for Seniors food drive.

Now a time-honored tradition, the Local Office on Aging in Roanoke is hosting the 18th annual Soup for Seniors food drive to address food insecurity faced by older adults throughout the Roanoke Valley. Since teaming up in 2011 the LOA and AARP Virginia have collected soup and other non-perishable items to be distributed through LOA’s homebound Meals on Wheels program and the senior food box program.

Though a new generation of children have taken our place yearning for the news that snow is falling and school is cancelled, we can continue to help forge memories of warm soup on a cold snowy day by donating to the Soup for Seniors drive ensuring that even our most vulnerable older adult populations continue to have access to warm, nutritional foods when snow covers the roads.

This year’s Soup for Seniors drive will be held at the main collection site, Church of St. Peter and St. Paul (4909 North Lake Dr, Roanoke, VA 24019) February 5-6. You can also donate at a variety of other drop-off sites from January 29-February 4. For those looking to get more involved, consider volunteering to help unload cars, check dates on cans, sort cans, assemble food into bags, and deliver.

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