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Supporting Family Caregivers of Older Adults through Times of Stress and Isolation Resource Guide


On April 30th, the Resources for Integrated Care hosted a webinar titled Supporting Family Caregivers of Older Adults Through Times of Stress and Isolation. Recordings, slides, and other information from the event can be found here. The webinar offers strategies for supporting caregivers and their loved ones, up-to-date information on facilitating access to health and social supports from which caregivers might benefit, and practical tips for addressing the specific needs of caregivers experiencing social isolation and stress-related conditions. Speakers also share strategies that are relevant in virtual settings.

Caregivers need all the support they can get during these arduous times, so here are other national organizations and hotlines for caregiver support:

The Family Caregiver Alliance:
The Family Caregiver Alliance specializes in services, education programs, and resources for caregivers. The FCA website also has COVID-19 caregiving guidance, including information about remaining at home and what to do if a person becomes sick, self-care strategies, and how to manage isolation.

· Caregivers may call this toll-free number for information: 800-445-8106 Caregiver Action Network

The Caregiver Action Network:
The Caregiver Action Network provides resources for family caregivers and tips for caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

· The Caregiver Health Desk, staffed by caregiving experts, is available at no-cost to help family caregivers navigate complex caregiving needs: 855-227-3640

Eldercare Locator:
Older adults and caregivers can use the Eldercare Locator, from the Administration on Aging, to search for resources in their communities.

·Caregivers can also reach an Information Specialist through this phone line: 800-677-1116(as well through online chat or email)

AARP provides resources and guidance for family caregivers on social isolation; in-home care; medical, financial, and legal considerations; and caregiver wellbeing. COVID-19 specific resources are also available.

National Alliance for Caregiving:
The National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) conducts research and advocacy on behalf of family and friend caregivers, and provides support resources. The NAC website also has caregiving-specific COVID-19 resources for families, including tips for caregivers who also care for minor children, and information on community resources. Well Spouse Association

The Well Spouse Association:
The Well Spouse Association provides peer support and education for spousal caregivers.

·Telephone Support Groups may be helpful for family caregivers experiencing increased social isolation.

Crisis Support for Caregivers and Older Adults
Institute on Aging - Friendship Line:
This 24-hour, toll-free Friendship Line provides support for older adults and adults with disability who are experiencing loneliness, and operates as both a crisis intervention hotline and a warm line for non-emergency emotional support calls. The Friendship line also offers outreach calls to help monitor physical and mental health concerns.

·Call 800-971-0016

SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline:
This helpline provides 24/7, 365 days-a-year crisis counseling and support for caregivers and other people experiencing emotional distress related to disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

·Call 800-985-5990

Assessments and Screenings for Caregivers
AARP Isolation Assessment:
This self-assessment from AARP can help caregivers gauge how connected they are, and provides suggestions for helpful resources.

GAD-7 Anxiety Screening:
The Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) Screening can assist in assessing the presence and severity of a potential anxiety disorder.

PHQ-9 Depression Screening:
The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) can assist in assessing the presence and severity of a potential depressive disorder.

COVID-19 Resources for Caregivers
How to Respond Effectively to the Coronavirus Crisis:
This brief video outlines how to use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for help managing fear, anxiety, and worry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Social Isolation and Well-Being for Caregivers during COVID-19:
This Family Caregiver Alliance webinar covers tools and tips for caregivers for coping with the isolation, stress, and anxiety of providing care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

AARP Tele-Town Hall: Coronavirus – Coping & Your Wellbeing:
This AARP tele-town hall addresses questions related to protecting oneself and loved ones from the virus, reducing social isolation, and how stress, uncertainty, fear, and lack of control can negatively affect mental health.

AARP Tele-Town Hall: Coronavirus – Protecting and Caring for Loved Ones:
This AARP tele-town hall addresses questions related to creating a care plan, coordinating backup care, staying connected to isolated loved ones, and accessing local resources for additional support.

SAMHSA - Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation During an Infectious Disease Outbreak:
Supporting Family Caregivers of Older Adults Through Times of Stress and Isolation – Resource Guide

This SAMHSA tip sheet provides strategies to help caregivers identify and combat isolation when social distancing and caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Self-Care Resources for Caregivers
Relaxation for Caregivers Series:
This series of brief videos from Family Caregiver Alliance provides relaxation exercises caregivers can use to reduce stress.

Taking Care of YOU: Self-Care for Family Caregivers:
This Family Caregiver Alliance resource provides eight key self-care tools for caregivers, as well as information on the effects of caregiving on one’s health and well-being.

Dementia-Specific Resources for Caregivers
Alzheimer’s Association:
The Alzheimer’s Association provides information and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers.

· The Alzheimer’s Association operates a 24-hour helpline for confidential support and information for those living with Alzheimer’s disease, caregivers, families, and the public: 800-272-3900

COVID-19: Tips for Dementia Caregivers:
This resource from the Alzheimer’s Association provides tips for caregivers of individuals with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Program – Caregiver Training Videos:
This video series from the UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care program helps caregivers understand how to care for a person with dementia; videos include specific guidance on home safety, agitation, and repetitive behaviors, among others.

Overall, it is our hope that this webinar and various organizations can bring some much needed relief on caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed. If you are a caregiver or know one, please share this article. It is imperative that they have access to these resources so that they can manage their stress, work, emotions, and mental health in a positive and healthy way.

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