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AARP AARP States Virginia Community

Tuesday Explorers

Illustration of woman watching a screen with a picture a globe.
Photo credit: Heidi Gioseffi

Embark on a journey of discovery with AARP Virginia’s Tuesday Explorers, a dynamic lifelong learning lecture series. Every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. ET, from January through the end of May, dive into fascinating topics and expand your horizons alongside fellow volunteers, members, and friends.

Mark Your Calendar! Each session is free and open to everyone, but don’t forget to register to receive your Zoom link. These educational programs are designed to enlighten and inspire, with no products or services being promoted.

Why Tune-in and Join Tuesday Explorers?

  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Keep your brain active and sharp, improving memory, problem-solving skills, and overall mental agility.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Pursue your passions and interests, leading to a greater sense of satisfaction and personal growth.
  • Social Connections: Chat with new people, build relationships, and expand your online community.
  • Catch Up Anytime! You can find our previous events and view them anytime on our YouTube Channel.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and grow with Tuesday Explorers!

Tuesday, February 25
Exploring Afro-Latino Heritage: A Virtual Journey
Register here

Tuesday, March 4
Ethel Percy Andrus, One Woman Who Changed America
Register here

Tuesday, March 11
Ladies to the Rescue!: The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association and the Preservation of Washington's Home
Register here

Tuesday, March 18
Hidden History of the First Ladies
Register here

Tuesday, March 25
Turning Point Suffragist Memorial
Register here

April and May programs are coming soon!
April's theme is Ordinary People, Extraordinary Impact: Celebrating People Who Make a Difference! In May, we'll honor our military with Military Appreciation Month.

We welcome your suggestions for future speakers and topics! Please send your ideas to We value your opinions and suggestions!

About AARP Virginia
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.