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AARP AARP States Virginia Advocacy

Issue: Prescription Drug Affordability Board


Tell your legislator to lower the cost of prescription drugs.



The price of prescription drugs are increasing well above the rate of inflation. Americans pay more for their medicine than any country on earth, and in Virginia we pay 36% more than the national average. In 2023, AARP Virginia polled voters of all ages and found that:

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  • 2/3 (67%) of voters take prescription drugs, and half of them spend more than $600 annually on their medication
  • 63% of voters are concerned about the cost of medication
  • Across party lines, voters strongly support the creation of a Prescription Drug Affordability Board (Democrats - 85%, Republicans - 71%, Independents - 70%)
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The Policy

A Prescription Drug Affordability Board would:

  • Create a state board with the authority to set an upper payment limit on a few of the highest-cost medications for Virginians
  • Save taxpayers money by reducing state and local government spending on prescription drugs
  • Help ensure access to life-saving medicine for illnesses like cancer and diabetes
  • Mitigate harmful price-gouging practices by the big drug manufacturers.

    For more information about this issue, contact AARP Virginia State Advocacy Director Jared Calfee at
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