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Health & Wellbeing

Get updates on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, health insurance, and your personal health and fitness.
We’re writing with an important message to let you know that we have canceled our external events until further notice. While convening events is a core part of our mission, we have changed our approach in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Caring for a parent, spouse, or other loved one can be a 24/7 job that is emotionally, physically and financially difficult. That’s why AARP works tirelessly to support family caregivers, striving to make your big responsibilities a little bit easier.
Not sure which Medicare plans and options are right for you or a loved one? AARP is here to help connect you to the resources that may make it easier for you to decide what’s right for you.
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Open Enrollment season is upon us. Now is the time to do research and determine which health plan is best for you, and your family in the year ahead.
Update as of July 16, 2018: Thank you for your interest in this activity with AARP DC. We have reached the event capacity of 50 participants. You may still register for the waitlist, but we cannot guarantee that a spot will be available for your participation.
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Join our online Q&A sessions for tools for keeping your 2018 healthy resolutions all year
Some are considering cramming changes to Medicare and Social Security into a year-end budget deal to avoid the "fiscal cliff." If the Medicare eligibility age goes up to 67, then 9,351, District seniors will be kicked off Medicare. More data at Private insurance will cost them $2,200 a year more, and all Medicare beneficiaries' premiums will increase if the youngest and healthiest beneficiaries are dropped from the program.
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