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AARP AARP States Wisconsin Community

Wisconsin COVID-19 News and Information

Below arethe latest articles, information, and resources collected or provided by AARP Wisconsin. For questions or concerns, contact the office at

Latest COVID-19 News and Information
Everything you need to know about how Coronavirus is impacting the 50+. Get the latest updates and resources on the outbreak from AARP.
We may be isolated, but we don’t have to be alone. AARP Community Connections is a new website that offers steps to find help – or give it – during the coronavirus pandemic. At a time when people are self-isolating, the website connects you to support in your community. It also enables you to join or organize your own online mutual aid group to stay connected, share ideas and help your family, neighbors and those most affected by COVID-19.
Wisconsin residents can schedule new COVID-19 vaccine appointments or walk into a nearby pharmacy to get a shot. Here’s how to find an updated vaccine near you.
Take five minutes to fill out a survey to help AARP's work to improve the vaccine rollout in Wisconsin.
The latest release of AARP’s Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard depicts a worsening crisis from coast to coast, including skyrocketing increases in deaths among Wisconsin nursing home residents since last fall.
The latest update of the AARP Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard reports that nursing home resident deaths reached 2.11 per 100 residents in Wisconsin, the highest since the federal government began collecting this information.
Former Vice President Joe Biden holds a slight lead over President Donald Trump among Wisconsin’s likely voters over the age of 50.
Join us for Thursdays With AARP Wisconsin on July 30th as we discuss Commercial District Design: Covid-19 Response & Management
Financial fraudsters are using fake charities and a bogus promise of free testing
Stay up to date on the lastest news about the Coronavirus in your Congressional District
AARP will host a live Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall every Thursday at 12 p.m. (CST). Experts at this week’s live Q&A event will address your questions related to protecting yourself and loved ones from the virus, staying healthy and reducing social isolation.

About AARP Wisconsin
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.