AARP Eye Center

The following are Facebook links and Twitter handles for candidates in the 2017 Virginia General Election. When posting questions for the candidates, please pose a question that all candidates for the office can answer, and make sure to tag AARP Virginia. Find us at AARPVirginia on Facebook and @AARPVa on Twitter.
Ed Gillespie (R) -- Facebook: EdwardWGillespie Twitter: @EdWGillespie
Cliff Hyra (L) -- Facebook: CliffHyra Twitter: @CliffHyra
Ralph Northam (D)-- Facebook: Ralph.Northam Twitter: @RalphNortham
Lieutenant Governor
Justin Fairfax (D) -- Facebook: JustinEFairfax Twitter: @Fairfaxforlg
Jill Vogel (R) -- Facebook: JillVogelVA Twitter: @JillHVogel
Attorney General
John Adams (R) -- Facebook: JohnAdamsforVA Twitter: @JohnAdamsforVA
Mark Herring (D) -- Facebook: MarkHerringVA Twitter: @MarkHerringVA