AARP Eye Center

With the general election right around the corner, AARP Hawaii has launched the 2014 online Voter Guide to inform members and the general public where candidates stand on key federal and state issues.
The Voter Guide outlines federal candidates’ views on Social Security and Medicare as well as helping Americans save for the future. Protecting Social Security is a high priority for many voters age 50+, especially for residents who aren’t financially ready for retirement. In Hawaii today, Social Security makes up 50 percent or more of income for over half of Hawaii residents age 65 and older, and more than a quarter of older residents rely on Social Security as their only source of income.
The Guide also reveals how candidates would strengthen Medicare, which provides guaranteed, affordable health coverage for more than 217,000 beneficiaries in Hawaii alone.
For state issues, the Voter Guide provides an overview of candidates’ views on supporting Hawaii’s family caregivers - who make it possible for their loved ones to live more independently in their homes and communities. Candidates are asked what they would do to help caregivers who hold down full-time jobs, and whether they support laws that call for hospitals to recognize and train family caregivers when their loved ones are discharged from the hospital.
In light of legislation this year broadening the state’s Kupuna Care program to include Medicaid recipients, candidates are also asked whether they would expand access to services provided at home and in the community – including for residents who are not eligible for Medicaid.
Because Hawaii’s long-term care costs are among the highest in the nation, the Guide also outlines candidates’ views on how they will help residents pay for care services if and when they are needed in the future.
For more information beyond the AARP Voter Guide, see election coverage by Honolulu Civil Beat.
AARP informs its members and the general public about candidates’ position on issues so they can choose candidates that best represent their views and values. For over 28 years, non-partisan voter education has been part of AARP’s mission to help Americans live their best lives. AARP does not endorse candidates, have a political action committee (PAC), or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates.