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In addition to a ton of great new resources and events coming to AARP members in Nevada, there are several key things happening in our state as well.
So far in this new year, AARP has already been active taking members to the Consumer Electronics Show to see the latest and greatest gadgets, and launched our very first podcast - Nevada Voices.
As you may know, 2017 is also a legislative year in Nevada. In this legislative year, there are also some issues we’ll be advocating for that impact all working Nevadans no matter their age.
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We wanted to give you an idea of where we are focusing our efforts during this session. Here are our key initiatives in 2017:
Work and Save:
AARP Nevada will be seeking to help create a statewide small business retirement plan where small businesses can offer a 401K type program to employees through payroll deductions, with NO cost to the businesses. The businesses are not required to match the employee’s contributions and only have to set up a payroll deduction process for it.
Home and Community Based Services:
AARP Nevada believes people should be able to receive services in their home to avoid having to go into a nursing home. We will work to ensure the state increases the funding for these home and community based services.
Managed Care Long Term Supports and Services:
Nevada is considering transitioning all the Medicaid Long Term Supports and Services to managed care. AARP Nevada will be working with the state and community partners to ensure that families will continue to have access to quality services if any changes are implemented.
Health Care:
We will engage to make sure the patient friendly processes, quality of care, and costs are included in issues related to telemedicine, nursing, hospitals, prescription drugs, caregiving, and oversight.
Consumer issues:
We will continue to work to ensure that the consumer voice and consumer protections are included in issues including mortgage foreclosures, pay-day loans, utilities, guardianship, elder abuse, and more.
To stay on top of the issues that matter most to you, please also sign up for our advocacy emails to ensure you don’t miss anything.
As always, we need your help and support to ensure decisions that impact Nevadans over 50.
To stay abreast of these important developments during this legislative session, be sure to sign up for our e-mail action alerts. This will be key during this year in Nevada as well as the changes we could see in Washington with a new administration regarding Medicare, and Social Security.
CLICK HERE to become an AARP Nevada Advocate!