AARP Eye Center

Join us for the next (FREE) Lunch & Learn on May 14 in Anchorage.
Presented by Judith Bendersky/Jeanné Larson of the Alaska Medicare Information Office, the May 14 Lunch & Learn topic is: Medicare and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a Medicare beneficiary, how will the ACA affect you?
Date: Tuesday, May 14
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Medicare Information Office, 400 Gambell Street (Conf. Rm. 343) in Anchorage, Alaska. The Medicare Information Office is located on the corner of 4th and Gambell. There is FREE PARKING in the large parking lot diagonal from the building.
This is a free lunch, but limited to 40 participants, so CALL TODAY to reserve your spot.
Call Ann Secrest at 762-3302 in Anchorage. You can also email Ann at Due to limited seating, reservations are advised.
This Lunch & Learn is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. It is recommended that participants be at least 63 years of age.