AARP Eye Center

“La Feria de la Familia” (Family Fair Day) comes to the Washington, DC area on Sunday, November 10 at the DC Armory. A first-time sponsor of this free annual gathering for education, entertainment and empowerment, the AARP District of Columbia State Office views its sponsorship as a part of its ongoing engagement with Latinos in the DC area. Sharing Spanish-language information and responding to questions about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a top priority for AARP DC’s participation at “La Feria De La Familia.” AARP DC booth visitors will be greeted by volunteers and guided through a special online “tool” to learn more about signing up for the Health Benefit Exchange. The advantage of this on-site tool allows individuals another option outside of the federal government ACA site. “La Feria de la Familia” represents another opportunity for AARP DC to partner with the Health Benefit Exchange Authority on responding to queries about ACA from the Latino community.