AARP Eye Center

Last week, I visited the Good Life Senior Center in downtown Springfield to wish our fantastic AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers a successful tax season. Led by local coordinator David Christopherson, these dedicated individuals were already hard at work, but took some time to talk with us about their experiences with the program.
Self-described "numbers people", these volunteers find real purpose and satisfaction in helping middle and low-income seniors with their taxes, particularly when it comes to assisting clients with applying for the Massachusetts circuit breaker tax credit. For many seniors on a fixed income, this credit is a huge help, and often comes as a surprise to those with lower incomes who may not need to file a state tax return.
"I like me best when I am preparing taxes for people at senior centers and in community centers." - Archie Torrenzano of Springfield[/youtube]
"[A client] was so entirely grateful that he was near tears for the service that AARP Foundation does for him." - Rita Vail of Hampden[/youtube]
"I have recommended [AARP Foundation Tax-Aide] to several friends...The fact that they don't have to pay to have their taxes done - for a lot of folks is a big help." Prettlo Heartley[/youtube]
A big thank you to volunteers David Christopherson, Paul Lajoie, Archie Torrenzano, Rita Vail, and clients Janet Brehaut and Prettlo Heartley. Visit the AARP MA YouTube channel to see all our videos with these and other volunteers and members in the Bay State.
Stay tuned as we visit more AARP Foundation Tax-Aide sites, and be sure to check online for a site near you. Don't wait - appointments fill up fast!
Offered in cooperation with the IRS, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is available free to taxpayers with low and moderate income, with special attention to those 60 and older. Through a cadre of trained volunteers, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide has helped low- to moderate-income individuals for more than 40 years.