AARP Eye Center

AARP Montana Presents Series of Consumer Forums to Fight Investment Fraud
AARP and host of experts conduct forums on spotting scams, avoiding fraud;
3 Montana cities will host events
In its ongoing efforts to fight the problem of investment fraud, AARP Montana is partnering with a coalition of crime prevention agencies to sponsor a series of forums around Montana entitled “How to Outsmart Investment Fraud.”
AARP will present the forums along with a host of experts from the Montana Attorney General’s Office, the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance, Montana State Office of Banking and Financial Institutions, The Montana Crime Prevention Association,, FINRA, The Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Crime Prevention Council.
The consumer protection forums will focus on educating attendees about fraud and scams that frequently target boomers and older Montanans. Topics covered will include investment fraud, fake insurance, Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, identity theft, internet scams, health care fraud, telemarketing fraud, how to investigate one’s broker and steps to recovery after being victimized. The forums will explore these topics during three-hour sessions and will be open for questions from the audience
In addition to presentations aimed at the general public, the fraud forum will target the law enforcement and legal communities as well. Recognizing the importance of training those on the front lines, AARP Montana designed a program to teach law enforcement professionals, government officials and city, county and state attorneys how to crack down on fraud. Participants will learn how to recognize fraud and what to do if fraudulent activity appears to be taking place.
“Many Montanans are unaware of the threat posed by the latest scams or investment schemes. Anyone, regardless of income, education, profession or age, can become a victim when unscrupulous individuals target unsuspecting consumers to line their own pockets,” said Joy Bruck, AARP Montana State President. “Information is a consumer’s best defense against becoming a victim. These fraud forums are a great opportunity for folks to learn about their rights as consumers, have their questions answered by experts in the field, and learn strategies for overcoming these challenges.”
To find out more about prevention of scams and fraud or to sign up for “Watchdog Alerts” log onto the AARP Fraud Watch Network at
Quick Glance Details:
WHAT: “How to Outsmart Investment Fraud” Consumer Fraud Forums sponsored by AARP
Office of the Montana State Auditor
Office of the Montana Attorney General
Montana State Office of Banking and Financial Institutions
The Montana Crime Prevention Association
The Securities and Exchange Commission
The National Crime Prevention Council
Tuesday, October 221st- Browning
4:30 – 7:30 pm
Eagle Shield Senior Center
5525 Haul Road
Free hearty soup dinner served!
Wednesday, October 22nd-Libby
4:30 – 7:30 pm
934 Lewis Ave
Free hearty soup dinner served!
Thursday, October 23rd- Polson
4:30 – 7:30 pm
Best Western KwaTaqNuk Resort
49708 US Hwy 93 East
Free hearty soup dinner served!