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AARP VA Statewide Food Drive to Help Boomers Facing Hunger

Bags of food

According to a report released by Feeding America®, more than 8 million Baby Boomers age 50 to 64 are turning to charitable food assistance to make ends meet. “Baby Boomers and Beyond: Facing Hunger After Fifty,” was made possible by a grant from AARP Foundation and focuses on the main challenges facing boomers including: lack of employment, housing instability, poor health and unpaid medical bills. AARP Virginia is committed to ending hunger amongst adults 50+ and will be hosting its 2015 Statewide Food Drive September 11-20.

The report indicates that pre-seniors, those age 50 to 64, struggle the most in comparison to their older peers. Pre-seniors are more likely to live in a household experiencing poverty as well as a household that is food insecure – defined by the USDA as the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

“We have found that the ‘youngest old’ – people 50 to 59 – tend to suffer the most, often having to skimp on meals or skip them altogether because they can’t afford them,” said AARP Foundation President Lisa Marsh Ryerson.

You can join AARP Virginia to help fight hunger in your community by donating food to a local food bank or pantry during the 2015 Statewide Food Drive.  You can also help by supporting a virtual food drive.

To find a food collection site near you, visit and type in your zip code.

You can read the full report of “Baby Boomers and Beyond: Facing Hunger After Fifty” by visiting

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