AARP Eye Center
Join us and attend Elder Lobby Day at the State House on Feb. 29, 2016!
By Jessica Costantino

It is a question those in the political arena often ponder. We have all heard the stories of how one act by one person can change the world. And, there is no shortage of examples of how, when many people band together, real change happens. But, for AARP Massachusetts it is not an either-or proposition in our advocacy work: We know it takes both to make real improvements in the halls of the State House and the halls of Congress.
On Monday, Feb. 29, 2016, we invite you to help us put both principles to work. AARP Massachusetts will join with other groups on the Grand Staircase in the State House for the annual Elder Lobby Day event. The other organizations include: the Boston Center for Independent Living, Home Care Aide Council, Home Care Alliance, Jewish Community Relations Council/Boston, Mass Association for the Blind, Mass Association of Older Americans, Mass Council of Adult Foster Care, Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors, Mass Home Care, Mass Senior Action Council, Mental Health and Aging Coalition, and 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.
AARP Massachusetts State Director Mike Festa will be the emcee of the event, and AARP Massachusetts Volunteer State President Sandy Albright will speak on behalf of AARPMA.
We need your voice as part of this chorus! As a large group, we’ll show support for state budget funding and bills that help older Bay State residents remain independent and living with dignity in their homes and communities.
Those who cannot attend Elder Lobby Day can still help! Click this link to find your legislators and call them to urge support of the CARE Act!"
Anthropologist Margaret Mead is often quoted as having said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Know that you wield much power by being informed and by engaging in this process. And when you join others for a common goal, your power is amplified.
Help us get the CARE Act passed into law in 2016, get funding for home- and community-based care, and implement policies and programs that help strengthen the financial security of the Commonwealth’s residents age 50 and older. We hope to see you at Elder Lobby Day!
Jessica Costantino is the advocacy director for AARP Massachusetts.
NOTE: Elder Lobby Day begins at 11 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 29, 2016, though it is recommended that volunteers arrive early to get through State House security and to get a seat. To attend Elder Lobby Day with AARP Massachusetts, including receiving information packets to hand out to legislators, please RSVP to Advocacy Director Jessica Costantino at or call 617-305-0538.