AARP Eye Center

Age-Friendly Macon-Bibb is celebrating their milestone of continuous improvements as indicated by the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. Their designation as the country's first Age-Friendly Community was approved in 2012 by the World Health Organization and AARP. This network serves as a catalyst to educate, encourage, promote and recognize improvements that make communities supportive for residents of all ages. The network provides U.S. cities, towns, and counties with the resources to become more Age-Friendly by tapping into national and global research, planning models, and best practices.
Age-Friendly Macon-Bibb has successfully completed the initial planning phase of one to two years, culminating with a successful comprehensive action plan. The next step included implementation and evaluation for three to five years. This work was led by a collaboration of AARP Georgia State and National Office Staff, AARP Georgia Executive Council Member/Age-Friendly Macon-Bibb Lead Volunteer Myrtle S. Habersham, Macon-Bibb Mayor Robert Reichart, David Pilgrem-Associate State Director, government officials, AARP volunteers, community partners, and members of the Age-Friendly Macon-Bibb Advisory Council.
The five-year renewal is the first of its kind across the country and its renewal plan was approved by the WHO and AARP. A community program and press conference were held on March 21 in Macon-Bibb at the Macon Terminal Station. Over 70 people attended along with reporters from each major television. At this point, Macon-Bibb is able to continue their membership in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities by continuing their implementation.