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George Bridges

Older Americans are embracing digital technology more than ever. Four in 10 Americans 65-plus have smartphones, while a third own tablets and a fifth have e-readers.
A new state law allows Alabamians with disabilities to save for their future needs without adversely affecting their benefits from programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid.
Baseball, superheroes, fireworks and a discount—what better way to spend a Saturday evening in Montgomery?
Bicycling is a great way to get exercise and to see a city. Zyp BikeShare makes that even more appealing in Birmingham by offering a discount to AARP members.
Bicycling is a great way to get exercise and to see a city. Zyp BikeShare makes that even more appealing in Birmingham by offering a discount to AARP members.
Melba Moore is a Tony Award–winning actress and Grammy-nominated singer, and at 71, she is not standing still. She’s touring nationwide and bringing her one-woman show, Still Standing, to Alabama for four nights. The 90-minute show includes her greatest hits, as well as gospel, jazz, blues, opera and Broadway.
The Alabama Shakespeare Festival (ASF) in Montgomery is offering AARP members and their guests a 15 percent discount on tickets every Saturday night during the 2016-17 season.
Alabama is encouraging people of all ages to step up to the starting line on Saturday, Nov. 12, for a 5K race and one-mile fun run/walk in Ensley, a Birmingham neighborhood. The events are organized by Black People Run, Bike & Swim and cosponsored by the AARP state office.
You already know how to keep your body fit. But what about your brain?
Finding a job at age 50-plus can be tough—and may be even harder for those who have taken time off from the workforce to raise children or to care for an aging parent, spouse or other adult.
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