AARP Eye Center

January marked the kick off of AARP Arizona's efforts to convene community partners, organizations and others who work in the field of aging at an Aging Network Breakfast at the Beatitudes Campus in Phoenix.
More than 60 people attended the early morning event despite heavy rain and cold temperatures.
Some who attended traveled from as far away as Yuma to network and connect with others who are engaged in aging issues.
The event featured guest speaker Lynn Larson, Assistant Director of the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Aging and Adult Services.
It was the first of six events to be held in 2016 at the Beatitudes Campus and hosted by AARP Arizona.
"We're excited to be offering this free, bi-monthly event in partnership with Beatitudes as a way for community organizations and others that work on aging issues to come together, learn about important resources, hear from experts in the field and network," said Dana Marie Kennedy, AARP Arizona State Director.
AARP Arizona will host its next Aging Network Breakfast in March.
If you work in the field of aging in Arizona and would like to attend, please email for more information.