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Scams & Fraud

Avoiding scams when dealing with cryptocurrency.
If an apartment listing seems too good to be true, it probably is.
AARP is committed to keeping your finances safe from fraud this tax season. Before filing your tax returns, take a look at some tips and tricks to avoid scammers and keep your personal information protected:
AARP is committed to keeping your heart (and your finances!) safe from scammers this February. Read on for tips about how to protect yourself from romance scams.
Join AARP Arizona to hear from a former dark web mastermind and details how scammers convince you to hand over your hard-earned money
We are in an Age of Information overload. Learn how media literacy principles can help you make sense of your digital media environment.
AARP in Yavapai County hosted a free Shred-a-Thon for the residents of Chino Valley on Nov 8th, as one way to help people protect themselves against Identity theft. AARP wishes to thank the coordination efforts and help on-site by the Town of Chino Valley (thank you Scott!) and the AZ Rangers, who provided necessary traffic control at the event. With 130 cars visiting the Shred event, and with AARP paying for the cost of the shredding as a community service, 8000 lbs of documents were shredded on-site by the Sir Speedy shredding truck. Thank you, Chino Valley residents, for visiting this inaugural AARP free Shred-a-thon in Chino! It is AARP’s pleasure to help the CV residents fight ID theft in the community!
Learn about ways to protect yourself and your loved ones at our free, two-part webinar.
Learn about ways to avoid illegal robocalls and phone scams in this free, two-part webinar.
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