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AARP AARP States California Voters

Vote As You Please, But Vote

Patrick Herrera

Californians will go to the polls this year to elect leaders and steer policy directions for the most populous state in the nation. AARP California is encouraging all citizens to make their voices heard in the June 5 primary elections by exercising their right to vote.

The primaries will whittle the field of would-be successors to Gov. Jerry Brown (D) to two if no candidate polls more than 50 percent. Every statewide office is contested, as are many congressional, state legislative and local seats, as well as that of veteran U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D), who is seeking another term. Voters also will decide ballot initiatives on such issues as natural resource protection, climate adaptation and transportation funds.

For those not registered, May 21 is the registration deadline to vote in the June 5 primary. Election and vote-by-mail information is on the secretary of state’s website at

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