SACRAMENTO – To recognize her work in support California’s family caregivers, AARP has named State Senator Lois Wolk (SD 3) a 2015 “Capitol Caregiver,” joining a bipartisan group of state legislators and governors from across the nation. These elected officials have advanced policies to help family caregivers, whose dedication to their loved ones make it possible for older Americans to remain living in their own homes — where they want to be.
To recognize her work in support California’s family caregivers, AARP has named State Senator Carol Liu (SD 25) a 2015 “Capitol Caregiver,” joining a bipartisan group of state legislators and governors from across the nation. These elected officials have advanced policies to help family caregivers, whose dedication to their loved ones make it possible for older Americans to remain living in their own homes — where they want to be.
Not only is the New Year a great time to reflect on personal goals, but it can also provide an opportunity to contemplate visions for our communities. For example, how could your friends and neighbors benefit from being a part of a livable community -- one that is safe and secure, has affordable and appropriate housing and transportation options, and offers supportive community features and services?
Are you or a friend one of the caregivers we love? Not only do we want to hear your stories, but we’d like to thank you in a very special way. In honor of November being National Family Caregivers Month, those who submit stories to our I Heart Caregivers page will receive a copy of a special caregiving-inspired print created by noted Los Angeles Cartoonist, Lalo Alcaraz.
Con el creciente número de nietos dependiendo de sus abuelos para tener la seguridad de un hogar, éstos están tomando más la responsabilidad de criarlos en una economía difícil – muchos con sus propios retos de trabajo. Para estos abuelos, criar a otro miembro de la familia no era parte de sus planes. Pero le hacen frente a la situación cuando sus seres queridos los necesitan.
As increasing numbers of grandchildren rely on grandparents for the security of a home, their grandparents are taking on more of the responsibility for raising them in a tough economy — many with work challenges of their own. For these grandparents, raising another family wasn't part of the plan. But they step up to the plate when their loved ones need them.