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Finances 50+

The AARP survey, entitled “ California Dreaming…or Struggling: Gen X and Boomer Financial Security,” reveals that for the most part Californians are not ready for retirement and it is largely due to housing related expenses. AARP California wants to help you take control of your finances. We are sharing DIY tips and tools bi-weekly on social media to help you save more or begin to save. Here is a summary of what was shared in December!
Anita McInnis, First Quarter, 2017 Fraud Watch Network’s Fraud Fighter
English. La encuesta de AARP, titulada “ California Soñando o Luchando…La Seguridad Financiera de la Generación X y los Boomers,” revela que la mayor parte de los californianos no están preparados para la jubilación y en gran parte se debe a los gastos relacionados con la vivienda. La AARP de California quiere ayudarte a tomar control de tus finanzas. Estamos compartiendo consejos y herramientas dos veces por semana en las redes sociales que te ayudarán a ahorrar más o comenzar a ahorrar. ¡Aquí está un resumen de lo que compartimos en noviembre!
Español The AARP survey, entitled “ California Dreaming…or Struggling: Gen X and Boomer Financial Security,” reveals that for the most part Californians are not ready for retirement and it is largely due to housing related expenses. AARP California wants to help you take control of your finances. We are sharing DIY tips and tools bi-weekly on social media to help you save more or begin to save. Here is a summary of what was shared in November!
Español According to an AARP survey, entitled “ California Dreaming…or Struggling: Gen X and Boomer Financial Security,” which reveals that for the most part Californians are not ready for retirement and it is largely due to housing related expenses. AARP California wants to help you take control of your finances. We are sharing DIY tips and tools bi-weekly on social media to help you save more or begin to save. Here is a summary of what was shared in October!
English De acuerdo a la encuesta de AARP titulada “ California Soñando…o Luchando: Seguridad Financiera de la Generación X y los Baby Boomers”, la cual revela que la mayor parte de los californianos no están preparados para la jubilación y en gran parte esto se debe a los gastos relacionados con la vivienda. AARP California quiere ayudarte a tomar control de tus finanzas. Compartimos consejos y herramientas que puedes realizar tú mismo dos veces por semana en las redes sociales para ayudarte a ahorrar más o comenzar a ahorrar. Aquí está un resumen de lo que compartimos en octubre.
English No seas víctima de estas 7 estafas durante las fiestas de fin de año
En español, Don't fall prey of these 7 hoaxes
According to an AARP survey, entitled “ California Dreaming…or Struggling: Gen X and Boomer Financial Security,” which reveals that for the most part Californians are not ready for retirement and it is largely due to housing related expenses. AARP California wants to help you take control of your finances. We are sharing DIY tips and tools bi-weekly on social media that can help you turn things around and begin to save. Here is a summary of what was shared in September!
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